Paragraph 3 of Article 8 of Decree 17/2013, of May 16, of the Castile and Leon Region, establishes the conditions of location, health and zoohygiantics which allows farms to apply for the authorization to feed the necrophagous species of interest in the community without the need to withdraw the carcasses of dead animals when it occurs. These conditions are:


  1. Be located in one of the municipalities of the protected zones for the feeding of necrophagous species in the interest of the European Community of Castile and Leon (ZPAEN).
  2. Be inscribed in the Official Register of Livestock Farms (REGA) as active.
  3. Must not carry out intensive livestock farming.
  4. Comply with the relevant regulations regarding organisation, health and animal welfare.
  5. Carry out the surveillance program of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), in particular, the tests indicated in Appendix II of Royal Decree 3454/2000, 22nd December.
  6. Be subject to monitoring by official veterinary services and obtain a sanitary qualification which does not cause health risks to public or animals and be subject to monitoring and control of national or regional control programs, eradication and monitoring of diseases as set out in Annex VI.
  7. Have in place a carcass withdrawal system which complies with the legislation in force at any given time.

The farmers who follow these requirements and whose farms are located in one of the 26 ZEPA areas included in the Life program may take part in this project. The casualties to their livestock may be used as food for the target species.